Having greater control over your equipment pool is paramount to minimize unnecessary downtime, health and environmental risks, and unnecessary maintenance costs. PGPI©’s Smart Software SaaS is a pioneering and innovative system that assists companies in sustainable asset integrity management and operational efficiency.

The applied methods are unique and were developed based on 3 engineering chairs: chemistry (corrosion), economics (ROI) and systems (O&M+IT); as well as national and international standards.

Relatórios inteligentes

PGPI© provides reports that help managers monitor the entire maintenance service execution process, favoring the adoption of new work processes that are automated and smart.

Informações detalhadas

For each asset registered in the system, a Work Order Form can be issued, accompanied by the Painting/Insulation Technical Specification Sheet, as well as the Inspection and Quality Control Report. That way, the manager will have an assertively guided work routine.

Acompanhamento ativo

After the service is completed and approved within the quality parameters, the manager will inform the PGPI© software of the activity’s completion date, and the system will issue a report containing the performance obtained and will calculate cyclically which are the periods for preventive inspections and annual repainting.

Integração com outros sistemas

PGPI©’s Smart Software works integrated with major Industrial Management software, such as SAP, Máximo, Meridium, among others.

Monitoramento constante

With the deployment of PGPI©, it is possible to constantly monitor all the assets of the industrial plant, allowing them to remain at their best technical and economic moment, ensuring a high return on maintenance investments and contributing to the productivity of the industrial process.

Na web (SAAS)

PGPI© is a SaaS (Software as a Service) application and can be used at any time, through several gadgets – computer, notebook, tablet, and smartphone. A great feature for perfect asset management.

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