
We rely on partner companies in several areas,
always seeking excellence in our services.
PGPI Asset Integrity Engenharia Ltda. is a Sebrae partner in the Proglobal Program
PGPI Asset Integrity Engenharia Ltda. is a Sebrae partner in the Proglobal Program

Sebrae launched a program to help small and medium-sized companies expand their horizons and reach markets abroad. ProGlobal is an internationalization program that aims to help businesses increase competitiveness, productivity, and expand markets and profits, with training activities and individual consulting.
PGPI Asset Integrity Engineering Ltd. was one of the companies selected to be part of this Program and to put PGPI© on the path of internationalization.

PGPI and Coppetec/UFRJ
PGPI and Coppetec/UFRJ

Aracruz Papel e Celulose S/A (today Suzano) invited UFRJ and M.Hamsi Engenharia e Consultoria LTDA. to carry out an engineering study and program for the control and management of corrosion at its plant in Espírito Santo. A consortium-type contract was carried out with the COPPETEC Foundation, led by MHAMSI using the PGPI software.
The Coordination of Projects, Research and Technological Studies Foundation (Coppetec), a non-profit organization that supports the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), entered into the partnership with its corrosion team.
The COPPETEC Foundation would be responsible for technical specifications, corrosion studies; while MHAMSI/PGPI would do all the mapping, inventory, diagnosis and issue the technical reports for recovery and anti-corrosive maintenance.

PGPI + Platt by Timenow
PGPI + Platt by Timenow

PGPI is a Certified Partner by the PLATT by Timenow platform. PLATT was born from the innovation process of Timenow, one of the 10 largest consulting companies in Brazil, TOP 2 in the 100 Open Startups ranking and authority in industrial projects for 25 years.
From now on, we will be together to accelerate our commercial process and leverage new business opportunities.